Recently a reader of my blog asking on how to setup WordPress mail. It turns out it take a just a few simple steps to make the WordPress SMTP email works without a plugin. Continue reading "Simple steps to setup WordPress SMTP email without a plugin"
Category: Raspberry Pi
Lora – Part 1: RAK7243C Lora Gateway
A week ago, I got a chance to borrow a RAKWireless' RAK7243C LPWAN Developer Gateway and a few RAK5205 WisTrio modules for a test, and this is my first impression of the products with my understanding on how it works. Continue reading "Lora – Part 1: RAK7243C Lora Gateway"
Mount a hard disk to Raspberry Pi as root file system
For past 3 years this web site was running on a Raspberry Pi with a 16GB SD card. I have a couple of old hard disks with me, so I recently decided to replace the SD card of this web site's Raspberry Pi with a hard disk. Continue reading "Mount a hard disk to Raspberry Pi as root file system"
Shortest Path Algorithm Revisit with Golang
I wrote a shortest path algorithm about a year ago using Python and later on port it into JavaScript, I recently revisit the algorithm and port it into Golang and compare the performance of three versions on two different hardware platforms. Continue reading "Shortest Path Algorithm Revisit with Golang"
A Better way to install Golang (Go) on Raspberry Pi
I recently want to install Golang(Go) on my Raspberry Pi, and realised that the easy way to install Golang may not be the better way to install Golang on Rasperry Pi. Continue reading "A Better way to install Golang (Go) on Raspberry Pi"
Control Raspberry Pi GPIO using node-RED
I wrote about how to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via web browser without using web framework or full blow web server about a year ago, today I'd like to introduce you an easier way to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via browser using node-RED. Continue reading "Control Raspberry Pi GPIO using node-RED"
How to properly host Flask application with Nginx and Guincorn
I recently need to host a Flask web application, and decided to share my experience with this comprehensive guide on how to properly host a Flask web application with Nginx http server and Gunicorn WSGI server. Continue reading "How to properly host Flask application with Nginx and Guincorn"
How to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via http web server
You bought your Raspberry Pi, and managed to create a python script to turn on/off an LED via GPIO. Then you are wonder "How can I control the GPIO via a web page"? This is a common questions been asked repeatedly on Raspberry Pi StackExchange and Raspberry Pi user groups. Continue reading "How to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via http web server"
How to use LCD 5110 (PCD 8544) with Raspberry Pi
In this article, I will briefly explain on how to create a Python class library to interface with LCD 5110 display module and shares the common APIs with the Arduino LCD5110 library that I previously created. Continue reading "How to use LCD 5110 (PCD 8544) with Raspberry Pi"
DS18B20 data analysis using Pandas
I wrote about how to collect data from DS18B20 temperature sensor with Raspberry Pi a few months ago, and this is an article on how to do some basic data analysis using Python with the collected DS18B20 temperature sensor data. Continue reading "DS18B20 data analysis using Pandas"