Hosting WordPress on Raspberry Pi Part 5 – Dedicated IP, Domain name and DNS

raspberry pi colocation hosting

To host WordPress website on Raspberry Pi, the next steps involved of getting a public-facing IP address, register a domain name for our little Raspberry Pi website, setting up port forwarding and dynamic DNS, and we are going to discuss those in details in this article. Continue reading "Hosting WordPress on Raspberry Pi Part 5 – Dedicated IP, Domain name and DNS"

Hosting WordPress on Raspberry Pi Part 2 – Install Nginx, PHP and MariaDB

intall nginx php and mariadb on raspberry pi

Before installing WordPress, we will need to setup a web server for our Raspberry Pi. We will use Nginx as the web server itself, MariaDB as a database management system, and PHP for dynamic script processing. We choose Nginx, PHP-FPM and MariaDB for its performance and lightweight that are both important factors for Raspberry Pi. Continue reading "Hosting WordPress on Raspberry Pi Part 2 – Install Nginx, PHP and MariaDB"