A better way to use ESP-01 as WiFi shield

a better way to use ESP-01 as WiFI shield

I like the low price of ESP-01, but I don't quite like to use it in my project because its design always make me feel like that I'm dealing with an unfinished product. Over the past a couple of months, out of necessity for one of my project, I was forced to spent some time to figure out a better way to use ESP-01 as a WiFi shield. Continue reading "A better way to use ESP-01 as WiFi shield"

Build an ESP32 Web Server and IR Remote

Build an ESP32 web server and IR remote

My TV remote control is corroded by leaking battery and no longer working reliably, so I decided to build my own TV remote control with an ESP32 that running as a web server and IR remote control so that I can uses my iPhone to interactive with it via web browser. Continue reading "Build an ESP32 Web Server and IR Remote"