How to Install STM32CubeIDE on Mac and STM32 LoRa Discovery Kit

STM32 LoRa_development with STM32CubeIDE

Recently I got two STM32 LoRa Discovery boards(B-L072Z-LRWAN1) for my LoRa project, and I need to install STM32CubeIDE and an STM32 Expansion Package i-cube-lrwan in order to use the board. It took me a while to figure out everything and I thought it would be good to share how I set everything up. Continue reading "How to Install STM32CubeIDE on Mac and STM32 LoRa Discovery Kit"

A better way to use ESP-01 as WiFi shield

a better way to use ESP-01 as WiFI shield

I like the low price of ESP-01, but I don't quite like to use it in my project because its design always make me feel like that I'm dealing with an unfinished product. Over the past a couple of months, out of necessity for one of my project, I was forced to spent some time to figure out a better way to use ESP-01 as a WiFi shield. Continue reading "A better way to use ESP-01 as WiFi shield"